In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at some of the possible signs of stress in your child, plus some simple ways you can help them manage any such stress. While children may not stress in the same ways as adults do, they absolutely still do go through this experience regularly -- and knowing how to help them is vital for many parents or caregivers.
At Devlin's Child Development, we're proud to offer several high-quality child care programs, including daycare, after-school care and more. What are some other simple ways to assist your child in periods of stress? Here are a few to consider.
If you've noticed your child experiencing stress somewhat regularly, it may be a good idea to sit down with them and come up with some stress relief techniques together. This can involve anything from deep breathing exercises to visualization to simple stretches or movement.
The key is that it's something your child enjoys and feels works for them; if they're not into yoga, don't force it! There are plenty of other options out there. Once you've come up with a list of possible techniques, talk to your child about trying one whenever they're starting to feel stressed.
For many children, one great way to limit possible stressors is to maintain as much of a routine as possible. This can involve everything from mealtimes to bedtimes to extracurricular activities.
Of course, life happens and there will be disruptions to the routine from time to time -- but if your child generally knows what to expect and when, they're more likely to feel comfortable and secure, which can in turn reduce stress.
As with anything else in parenting, communication is critical when it comes to managing your child's stress. Talk to them regularly about how they're feeling, both good and bad; let them know that it's okay to feel stressed sometimes, and that you're there to help if they need it.
You should also encourage your child to come to you if they're feeling overwhelmed or stressed; letting them know that you're a safe space for them to talk about their feelings can be hugely beneficial.
Down related lines, spending quality time with your child can also be helpful in managing their stress. This can involve anything from reading together before bed to going for a walk around the block to simply sitting and chatting.
The important thing is that you're present and focused on them; letting them know that they have your full attention can help them feel valued and loved, which can in turn help reduce stress.
Of course, this isn't an exhaustive list -- but it's a good starting point. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your child's specific needs, please don't hesitate to contact us at Devlin's Child Development today. We're always happy to chat about this or any of our child care services.